Sundays 9:45am - Small Group Bible Study

Sundays 11:00am - Worship Hour

In the Word.

In Prayer.

In Praise.

In Community.

Cornerstone is a small community church passionate about growing together as a church family and in our relationship with Jesus.

Cornerstone Community Church was birthed, at least in Spirit, at O’Charley’s Restaurant on Hwy #92 in Woodstock GA in the Summer of 2005. Those attending dinner that night were Pastor David Kight and his wife Bobbie and Grady Henrich and his wife Beverly. Some weeks later with a hand-made paper sign on the basement door Cornerstone began with thirteen in attendance. It took only a couple of weeks to grow out of the basement leading to leasing a building. Seven years later, a larger facility was needed and another in 2015.

We have grown in ‘mercy and grace’ from The Lord to a modest group of believers who have weathered many a storm and sailed through even more a calm day in search of every blessing The Lord has to bestow upon a group of believers who know that in the eyes of The Lord we all need Salvation in order to walk this Earth in a state of Sanctification while looking to the ultimate time of Glorification, meeting Jesus in Heaven.

We preach a simple, yet direct Gospel, contending that Jesus Christ is the only way to The Father; believing that a Godly lifestyle can and should be reached for; and, that those who call Christ Savior will ultimately in habit that place of total peace.

We are not very hip, I suppose, but we have arms wide open for those who The Lord has sent our way. Come see if Cornerstone is for you!

Sundays at Cornerstone

Sundays are a time of coming together for Bible study, fellowship, worship, and hearing from the Word. Sunday School starts at 9:45am and classes are divided by age group. From 10:30-11:00am we all break for breakfast and fellowship. At 11am service starts in the sanctuary. You can expect worship, both traditional and contemporary, reading from Scripture, and a sermon.

Sunday School

We have a Sunday school class for everyone! We divide into 3 different groups: kids, middle age, and seniors. Come and jump on into a class!


Our services are a time to come together and grow through Worship and the Word. All are welcome to join us! And if you can't make it, click the link below to watch online!


Our fabulous kids workers make sure your kids are taken care of in a safe, fun, and Christ centered environment.

Our Pastor

David and Bobbie Kight have been in ministry together for thirty-five years and hope to be serving until their time is up in The Lord’s eyes.

Wednesday Nights

Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. for Adult Bible Study and Cornerstone Kids.

Join Us!


Join us at 9:45am for Sunday School and 11:00am for Service. We'd love to meet you and your family!

4206 N Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA 30188